54 College Scholarships Worth $10,000 or More

Sure, college can be painfully expensive. But don't lose site of the billions (yes, billions) of scholarship dollars that get awarded annually. The list below features big-money scholarships with payment of $10,000 or more.

Note: As you search through the scholarships, you'll find many that say they are expired. Keep in mind, however, that most of these are annual scholarships, so they will become available again in the coming year. You'll find others that are accepting applications right now.

American Legion Legacy Scholarship

College students on campus

Blend Images - Andersen Ross/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be children of active duty US military, National Guard, or military reservists.
Administered by the American Legion

Anne Frank Outstanding Scholarship Award

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be graduating high school seniors who are community leaders.
Administered by the Anne Frank Center

AXA Achievement Scholarship

• Award: $10,000 - $25,000
• Description: Applicants must demonstrate ambition and self-drive.
Administered by the AXA Foundation

Ayn Rand “The Fountainhead” Essay Contest

• Award: $50 - $10,000
• Description: Applicants must submit an essay on the book, “The Fountainhead,” by Ayn Rand.
Administered by the Ayn Rand Institute

Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” Essay Contest

• Award: $50 - $10,000
• Description: Applicants must submit an essay on the book “Atlas Shrugged,” by Ayn Rand.
Administered by the Ayn Rand Institute

CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program

• Award: $18,000
• Description: Applicants must commit to working at the CIA during summer breaks and after college.
Administered by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship

• Award: $10,000 - $20,000
• Description: Applicants must be high school seniors or home school seniors attending school in the United States.
Administered by the Coca-Cola Company

College Inventors Competition

• Award: $5,000 - $15,000
• Description: Applicants must submit an original idea for an invention.
Administered by the Collegiate Inventors Competition

Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must create and submit a photo, artwork, or computer graphic for the front of a greeting card.
Administered by the Gallery Collection/Prudent Publishing Company

Davidson Fellows Scholarship

• Award: $10,000 - $50,000
• Description: Applicants must complete a significant piece of work that falls into the category of science, technology, engineering, math, literature, music, philosophy, or outside the box.
Administered by the Davidson Institute for Talent Development

Davis-Putter Scholarship

• Award: $1,000 - $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be active in movements for social and/or economic justice.
Administered by the Davis Putter Scholarship Fund

Dell Scholars Program

• Award: $20,000
• Description: Applicants must have participated in an approved college readiness program.
Administered by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation

Doodle 4 Google Scholarship

• Award: $5,000 - $30,000
• Description: Applicants must submit an original piece of art on a given theme featuring the Google logo.
Administered by Google

Dr Pepper Tuition Giveaway

• Award: $2,500 - $100,000
• Description: Applicants must submit an original video explaining why they deserve the award.
Administered by Dr Pepper/Seven Up

Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Award

• Award: $1,000 - $12,500
• Description: Applicants must demonstrate scholarship, leadership, and financial need.
Administered by the Elks National Foundation

Gamers in Real Life Game Design Competition Scholarship Program

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate program related to video games, including video game art design, animation, production, programming, or visual effects.
Administered by Gamers In Real Life

Gates Millennium Scholars Program

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American.
Administered by Gates Millennium Scholars

GE – Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must demonstrate the attributes of leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship at school, at the workplace, and in the community.
Administered by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Library

Generation Ali Global Citizen Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing an undergraduate degree.
Administered by the Muhammad Ali Center

Generation Google Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be women, minorities, and/or individuals with a disability who are majoring in computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, or a related field.
Administered by Google, Inc.

Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be women majoring in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field.
Administered by Google, Inc.

Google Science Fair

• Award: $25,000 - $50,000
• Description: Applicants must create a science fair project that investigates a scientific-related question relevant to the world today.
Administered by Google, Inc.

Gordon A. Rich Memorial Scholarship

• Award: $12,500
• Description: Applicants must have a parent/legal guardian who has/had a full-time career in the financial services industry.
Administered by Gordon A. Rich Memorial Foundation

Guild Scholar Award

• Award: $15,000
• Description: Applicants must be legally blind.
Administered by the Jewish Guild for the Blind

Harriet Fitzgerald Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must wish to attend a women’s college.
Administered by the Sunflower Initiative

Horatio Alger National Scholarships

• Award: $20,000
• Description: Applicants must have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives.
Administered by the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans

Intel Science Talent Search

• Award: $7,500 - $100,000
• Description: Applicants must present a full, scientific report about the research of their choosing.
Administered by the Society for Science & the Public

ISC Foundation Women’s Scholarship

• Award: $20,000
• Description: Applicants must be women pursuing a career in information security.
Administered by the ISC 2 Foundation

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program

• Award: $30,000
• Description: Applicants must be high-achieving students and demonstrate financial need.
Administered by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship

• Award: $30,000
• Description: Applicants must be transferring from a community college to a four-year college or university to complete a bachelor’s degree.
Administered by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must classical musicians, vocalists, or composers.
Administered by From the Top

Jim McKay Memorial Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a degree in communication with an emphasis on any aspect of the television industry.
Administered by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

Kelly Rooney Memorial Scholarship Award

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be athletes whose mother passed away from cancer.
Administered by Save 2nd Base/The Kelly Rooney Foundation

Lighthouse International Scholarship and Career Awards

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be visually impaired.
Administered by Lighthouse International

National Beta Club Scholarship

• Award: $1,000 - $15,000
• Description: Applicants must be active members of the National Beta Club.
Administered by the National Beta Club

National Honor Society Scholarship Program

• Award: $1,000 - $13,000
• Description: Applicants must be National Honor Society members in good standing.
Administered by the National Honor Society (NHS) & National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship Program

• Award: $20,000
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a career in biomedical, behavioral, or social science health-related research.
Administered by the National Institutes of Health

Official Penny Arcade Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must intend to enter the game industry.
Administered by Penny Arcade

Our Future Scholarship

• Award: $12,500
• Description: Applicants must be children of active duty service members stationed at one of the specified installations.
Administered by the Corvias Foundation

PEO International Peace Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be women who are non-US or non-Canadian citizens.
Administered by the PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund

PNC Bank’s “Serving With Integrity” Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be student veterans who are honorably discharged or currently serving and are majoring in business management, accounting, economics, finance, marketing, mathematics, computer science, or information technology.
Administered by Student Veterans of America

Point Foundation Scholarship Program

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be involved with the LGBTQ community.
Administered by the Point Foundation

Proton OnSite Scholarship and Innovation Program

• Award: $25,000
• Description: Applicants must submit a promising hydrogen-related business idea.
Administered by Proton OnSite

QuestBridge National College Match

• Award: Varies — this is a full-ride scholarship
• Description: Applicants must show outstanding academic ability despite facing economic challenges.
Administered by QuestBridge

Ronald McDonald House Charities/HACER Scholarships

• Award: $25,000
• Description: Applicants must have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage.
Administered by Ronald McDonald House Charities/HACER

Ron Brown Scholar Program

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must be African American students who will make significant contributions to society.
Administered by the Ron Brown Scholar Program

Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowships

• Award: $15,000
• Description: Applicants must submit ten pages of poetry.
Administered by the Poetry Foundation

Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology Scholarship Awards

• Award: $1,000 - $100,000
• Description: Applicants must undertake an individual or team research project related to math, science, and/or technology.
Administered by the Siemens Foundation

Siemens “We Can Change the World” High School Challenge

• Award: $10,000 - $50,000
• Description: Applicants, working in teams, must identify an environmental issue and provide a viable, replicable solution.
Administered by Siemens Foundation/Discovery Education

SMART Scholarship

• Award: $25,000 - $41,000
• Description: Applicants must be pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, or math.
Administered by Science, Mathematics & Research for Transformation

Teens Drive Smart Video Contest

• Award: $10,000 - $25,000
• Description: Applicants must submit an original video about safe driving.
Administered by Teens Drive Smart

TheDream.US Scholarship Program

• Award: $25,000
• Description: Applicants must be DREAMers attending a TheDREAM.US partner college.
Administered by TheDREAM.US Scholarship Program

Voice of Democracy Scholarship Program

• Award: $1,000 - $30,000
• Description: Applicants must submit an essay and audio recording on a given topic related to the constitution.
Administered by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States

William R. Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship

• Award: $10,000
• Description: Applicants must have an active amateur radio license (any class).
Administered by the American Radio Relay League


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Your Citation
Grove, Allen. "54 College Scholarships Worth $10,000 or More." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/big-scholarships-788458. Grove, Allen. (2023, April 5). 54 College Scholarships Worth $10,000 or More. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/big-scholarships-788458 Grove, Allen. "54 College Scholarships Worth $10,000 or More." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/big-scholarships-788458 (accessed February 17, 2025).