Emory and Henry College Admissions

SAT Scores, Acceptance Rate, Financial Aid, Tuition, Graduation Rate & More

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Emory and Henry College Admissions Overview

Emory and Henry College has an acceptance rate of 70%—over one-quarter of applicants are turned down each year. Students with solid grades and test scores above average are likely to get in. Application requirements include SAT or ACT scores, official high school transcripts, and a writing sample.

Admissions Data (2018)

Emory and Henry College Description

Emory and Henry College is a private liberal arts college in Emory, Virginia. It is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. The 168-acre central campus is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Register of Historic Landmarks. Located in the heart of the Virginia Highlands, the college is just a short drive from some of the country’s natural treasures including the Appalachian Trail. Emory and Henry is a small college offering individualized student attention, with a student faculty ratio of just 10 to 1, and 75 percent of classes have fewer than 20 students. Academic offerings cover more than 25 undergraduate areas of study including a nationally recognized program in public policy and community service, and master’s degree programs in education and organizational leadership. Students are active outside of class as well, participating in more than 70 clubs and organizations. The Emory and Henry Wasps compete in the NCAA Division III Old Dominion Athletic Conference. The college fields eight men's and eight women's intercollegiate sports.

Enrollment (2018)

  • Total Enrollment: 1,246 (979 undergraduates)
  • Gender Breakdown: 47% Male / 53% Female
  • 98% Full-time

Costs (2018 - 19)

  • Tuition and Fees: $35,100
  • Books: $1,200 (why so much?)
  • Room and Board: $12,100
  • Other Expenses: $2,400
  • Total Cost: $50,800

Emory and Henry College Financial Aid (2017 - 18)

  • Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 100%
  • Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of Aid
    • Grants: 100%
    • Loans: 78%
  • Average Amount of Aid
    • Grants: $28,710
    • Loans: $6,699

Academic Programs

  • Most Popular Majors: Biology, Business Administration, History, Mass Communications, Psychology, Sociology, Sport Management

Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates

  • First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 74%
  • Transfer-Out Rate: 28%
  • 4-Year Graduation Rate: 48%
  • 6-Year Graduation Rate: 60%

Intercollegiate Athletic Programs

  • Men's Sports: Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Track and Field, Cross Country, Tennis
  • Women's Sports: Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis, Cross Country, Track and Field

Data Source: National Center for Education Statistics

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Your Citation
Grove, Allen. "Emory and Henry College Admissions." ThoughtCo, Jun. 25, 2024, thoughtco.com/emory-and-henry-college-admissions-787535. Grove, Allen. (2024, June 25). Emory and Henry College Admissions. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/emory-and-henry-college-admissions-787535 Grove, Allen. "Emory and Henry College Admissions." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/emory-and-henry-college-admissions-787535 (accessed March 17, 2025).