SAT Score Comparison for Admission to Alabama Colleges

A Side-by-Side Comparison of SAT Admissions Data for 20 Alabama Colleges

Auburn University
Auburn University. Robert S. Donovan / Flickr

Learn what SAT scores are likely to get you into a range of Alabama colleges or universities. This handy side-by-side comparison chart below shows scores for the middle 50% of enrolled students. If your scores fall within or above these ranges, you're on target for admission to one of these 20 colleges including these 9 top Alabama colleges.

Top Alabama Colleges SAT Scores (mid 50%)

(Learn what these numbers mean)

Math 25% Math
Alabama A&M University 380 470 370 470
Alabama State University 370 460 360 460
Auburn University 530 620 530 640
Birmingham-Southern College 500 610 490 570
Faulkner University 430 570 450 550
Huntingdon College 440 550 450 568
Jacksonville State University 430 570 440 550
Oakwood University 390 520 360 490
Samford University 520 620 500 618
Spring Hill College 500 600 500 590
Troy University 455 550 470 610
Tuskegee University 440 560 450 550
University of Alabama at Birmingham 480 640 490 660
University of Alabama in Huntsville 520 660 540 680
University of Alabama Main Campus 490 610 490 620
University of Mobile 430 540 420 580
University of Montevallo 440 620 460 580
University of North Alabama 427 523 435 530
University of South Alabama 470 560 450 570
University of West Alabama 440 520 420 500

Most data from the National Center for Educational Statistics
View the ACT version of this table

Keep in mind that 25% of enrolled students at these schools have scores below those listed, so if your grades are lower than those above, you still have a chance of being admitted, provided the rest of your application is strong. Also remember that SAT scores are just one part of the application. The admissions officers at many of these Alabama colleges will also want to see a strong academic record, a winning essay, meaningful extracurricular activities and good letters of recommendation. Some students with high scores may not be admitted to a school if the rest of their application is weak. Likewise, a student with low scores but an impressive application, writing skills, etc. may be accepted. 

Note that Alabama colleges tend to favor the ACT, so not all schools report SAT scores.

To view the profiles for each of these schools, just click on the school's name in the chart above. There, you'll find more admissions information, financial aid data, and other helpful facts about the school. 

You can also check out these other SAT links:

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Your Citation
Grove, Allen. "SAT Score Comparison for Admission to Alabama Colleges." ThoughtCo, Oct. 29, 2020, Grove, Allen. (2020, October 29). SAT Score Comparison for Admission to Alabama Colleges. Retrieved from Grove, Allen. "SAT Score Comparison for Admission to Alabama Colleges." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 25, 2024).